Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Lance Anderson Podcast Experiment - hear it live!

Be part of the Experiment!

If you can't see the LAPE "live" you can hear it on our "Live Audio Stream" provided by our media partner JKC Media. This special feature will allow a worldwide audience the opportunity to interact with this historic event.

You can order you stream at our sister site PodcastLive.co.uk for $5

click here to order

The Lance Anderson Podcast Experiment

Monday, January 30, 2006

..and the winner is...

Mark: My Words.

Thanks, PH.

And thanks to everyone else for their suggestions.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Suggestions need for name of a column

The Brits are producing their own podcast magazine, and I'm contributing a column for it; nothing lengthy...

I've decided to, for the most part, take a skewed look at podcasting and attempt to call things as they are.

What I need is a name for the column, any suggestions?

Suggestions need for name of a column

The Brits are producing their own podcast magazine, and I'm contributing a column for it; nothing lengthy...

I've decided to, for the most part, take a skewed look at podcasting and attempt to call things as they are.

What I need is a name for the column, any suggestions?

Friday, January 27, 2006

tp76 - tartanpodcast#76 - fat hippy records part 2

www.fathippyrecords.co.uk for details on all the bands played.

Email me @ tartanpodcast@gmail.com with the answer to the competition questions. Valid entries must have 'fat hippy records' in the subject line!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The Boy Lacks Patience

Played by myself and Steven Finnie here on the tartanpodcast, and supporting Amplifico later in February Christopher Murty's musical persona The Boy Lacks Patience is releasing his debut album 'Ill Advised' on Saturday 28th January.

My copy arrived today and I'm very, very impressed. If you're a fan of the sleepy sunday show this an album you need to own.

It'll be available to buy on Saturday 28th January and listen out for Christopher's appearance on the all new tartanpodcast soon.

Monday, January 23, 2006


If you listen to the Daily Source Code you will have heard on Monday 23rd's show that I'm no longer part of the Podshow network. This was instigating by me, and managment complied with my wish to leave.

I've noticed that there's been some speculation regarding this since it happened last Thursday (19th January), and I'm happy to verify the rumours - the tartanpodcast is 100% independant again.

What will this mean for the future of the tartanpodcast?

In simple terms, less podcasts per week. Part of my contract with Podshow meant producing 3 shows per week and while they'd given me written grace from producing the 3 shows, I still felt I had to pull my weight. After all, everyone else was. So I'd continued putting out as many shows as I could, factoring in the little things like earning a living and being a capable father and husband. But when I looked at the tartanpodcast with a critical eye I could see a reduction in quality and that was due to me spending little time preparing the podcast in advance.

Now that I'm in the same boat as people like Dan Klass, Lance Anderson, Scott Fletcher, Brad Pendegraph and many other independant podcasting-for-fun-with-the-hope-of-it-becoming-something-more-serious guys, I can podcast as and when I'm able to.

As an aside, and this is something I'm going to blog about soon, more than one person has commented to me that they didn't listen to all 3 shows per week anyway...

Another reason for my leaving Podshow's fold was the new distribution network. I'm not sure how much information about this network is already out in the 'wild' so I won't go into the mechanics of what I understand it to be. That being said, what I do know about it didn't fit in with the direction I want to take the tartanpodcast. So I felt it was prudent to leave before the network was up and running, with the tartanpodcast incorporated into it.

I realise this may mean I lose out on sponsorship deals and advertising $s, but that doesn't matter when compared with the feeling of excitment and optimism I have looking ahead to bringing you the 'all new' tartanpodcast.

What the format of the new tartanpodcast be?
It will - hopefully - be with you once a week, it'll be about 45 minutes long (I'd make it a neat 49 minutes if I thought PW Fenton would be in a position to play it on Sirius, but I can't foresee that happening), and will be more of a Scottish independant music magazine-style show. With the sad passing of the sleepy sunday show*, the all new tartanpodcast will be available for download on Sunday evenings (conditions apply..) so that you'll have it for your commute on Mondays. The first 10-15 minutes or so will be in keeping with the sleepy sunday show's ethos, so you'll still be hearing the best mellow and laid back music I can lay my hands on to break you into the working week. The rest of the all new show will be dedicated to the Scottish independant music scene, featuring in depth looks at the most exciting bands in Scotland, exploring different genres, regular pieces contributed by the bands themselves, interviews, gig guides, gig reviews and more.

I'm exciting about this development and I hope you'll stay subscribed and tell your friends to subscribe etc etc. I don't have the marketing clout of other podcasters and podcast distribution networks, I'm confident in the loyalty and support of you guys to stick with me and to spread the word.


*Note; please trust me on this, the sleepy sunday show may not be coming out anymore, but the new format will make up for it, you have my word.

Friday, January 20, 2006

update yer bookmarks!

As you'll notice, having ended up here rather than my soothing blue themed site, that you need to update your bookmarks; http://www.tartanpodcast.com is the only place to find Scotland's indie music podcast on the 'net.

Oh, and while you're sorting out your bookmarks, add http://tartanblog.blogspot.com and http://www.scottishpodcasts.com

Julien Smith is trying to hook me up with some hosting that will allow me to get another WordPress site, so hopefully I'll be ditching the blogger site and bringing the soothing blue hues again...

Remember, to receive each episode of the (new and improved) tartanpodcast*, subscribe to http://feeds.feedburner.com/Tartanpodcast

*new and improved; when I return from my hardware enforced absence the tartanpodcast will have a new format which I hope you'll find improved over the old format. Conditions apply.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

tp75 - tartanpodcast#75 with Lance Anderson

What a privilege to have pioneering storytelling podcaster Lance Anderson from Verge of the Fringe on the tartanpodcast today.

We play 3 tracks and talk about how podcasting has changed his life.




Kasino - Never See

Hotrod Cadets - Chase Me Down the Street

The Human Value - Kill Pangs
Other links;
The Bitterest Pill
The Hollywood Podcast
The Story Salon
Handwritten Theatre

tpsss30 - sleepy sunday show #30

Since recording the 1st sleepy sunday show back in May at 6.40am that particular morning there have been 29 sleepy sunday shows. This is the 30th. A minor landmark in this changing world we live in.

But back to reality.




Green Peppers - Blink of an Eye

Joe Kennedy - Melissa, Aged 4

Samantha Murphy - Come Back to Me

The Freak Accident - You're the Reason

Scottish Podcast Clan
Electrical Language Podcast
Cruisin' With Susan Podcast

Thursday, January 12, 2006

tp74 - tartanpodcast#74

Part 1 of 2




Fat Hippy Records on the tartanpodcast.

All the bands can be contacted via Fat Hippy Records - email them here and click to their website.

Listen to part 2 for details on how to win CDs from every artist you hear!

produced by

Subscribe to the tartanpodcast

Subscribe to the tartanblog

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

tp72 - tartanpodcast #72 - hosted by Alastair Bishop

This is slightly out of sequence in that tp73 was released last week. Anyway, enjoy, another great look behind the scenes of writing, producing and recording music in Scotland.

For full details please email Alastair and be sure to check out the Hotrod Cadets site and buy their excellent album Breaking Up.

I've asked Alastair to - as and when - produce similar podcasts like this for the tartanpodcast - stay subscribed.



Sunday, January 08, 2006

tpsss29 - sleepy sunday show#29

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

tartanpodcast LIVE!

I need feedback from you guys;

Tartanpodcast LIVE! looks to be going ahead on 24th June 2006 at Westway's Crash the Venue.

The feedback I need from you is who plans to attend? This is to get a rough idea of the numbers of listeners to the tartanpodcast that will be there - or who want to be there.

We don't have a ticket price yet, but it will be less than £10.

The bands on board?

The Twisted Melons
Hotrod Cadets
Maeve O'Boyle
Hollow Horse
Bear in mind, this is a first - the first tartanpodcast LIVE! event, the chance to see some of your favourite indie Scottish bands on stage together.

So, if you plan on being there, please leave a comment here on the website.

Recommended - Handwritten Theatre

Joseph Dougherty 's new podcast is almost upon us - Handwritten Theatre.

Subscribe early to avoid disappointment...

tp73 - tartanpodcast#73



ATM Podcast

Sound bed - Derek K Miller off the Podsafe Music Network.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Problems with sss28

If you've had problems with the mp3 file for sleepy sunday show #28 please download it again; it seems that the whole file wasn't uploaded.

It should now be fixed - don't miss it; the closing track is a beauty.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

tpsss28 - sleepy sunday show #28



1st tartanpodcast of 2006 and 4 great bands from Scotland.